For more than 20 years I have changed my life to make my mediumistic abilities available to divine entities.
In their immense compassion and love, divine entities come to offer us their help in finding harmony and inner peace. They will help you, through me, to heal, evolve and guide you.
Treatments can be performed in the therapeutic practice, over the phone or via photo. The session lasts approximately 1 hour.
You will lie in bed (in the practice or at home if the treatment is by telephone) and I will be in deep meditation so that the entities can use me as a channel. After the treatment, we will provide you with explanations about what was done and what you can do to improve.
The price of the session is CHF 150.-- payable on site, by Twint, bv or bank transfer.
Other offers:- Energy cleaning of places- Meditative walk in the forest